News is information about things that have happened, are happening or will happen. It can be broadcast on television, printed in newspapers or posted online. It can also be whispered in the ear of a friend or yelled across a classroom. Regardless of where it comes from, news should be a balanced presentation of facts that is informative and entertaining.
Knowing your audience is the key to writing news. Most newspapers and websites are geared toward specific demographics. Some of these are obvious, like a newspaper in Kansas City targeting people who live in that city, but others are less so. For example, a newspaper that publishes political commentary is likely to be read by people who are interested in politics, whereas a paper that covers local real estate will have a different readership. Considering your audience will help you determine what information is important and how to present it.
A news article begins with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention and leads into the main point of the story. This is usually a dramatic anecdote, a surprising fact or a breaking news update. A good news article will also contain a “nut graph” that is a brief summary of the main points in the story, including who, what, where and when.
The most important part of a news story is the first paragraph, often referred to as the lede. The lede should include the most important facts about the story and should place them in order of importance. This allows the reader to quickly grasp the main points of the story and decide whether to continue reading. If a reader is not immediately hooked by the lede, he or she may not make it all the way through the article.
Once the lead is established, the rest of the news article should be presented in a chronological order. This helps readers to follow the progression of the story and understand the context in which the events occurred. It is also helpful to provide additional information about the subject, such as quotes from interviews or further explanations of background issues. At the end of the news article, it is helpful to include a citation that indicates where the reporter obtained the information for his or her article.
People are most interested in news about famous people, especially if they are involved in scandals or have a tragic past. They are also interested in stories about weather, food and health. For example, a bug that kills a cow but not a pig would be newsworthy for farmers, but not to those who do not raise livestock. The same is true of a religious controversy, such as a debate over the issue of women priests. The opinions of those in positions of authority are often considered to be more newsworthy than the ordinary person. This is because they have a greater impact on the lives of other people. Other subjects of interest are sex, entertainment and animals.